Devi Ever Silver Rose
Commissioned by Billy, who wanted something "classic with the ability to sound more modern", the Silver Rose is a "classic Super Fuzz and IC Big Muff design combined together with a mixer that allows you to blend seamlessly between the two fuzz sounds, and includes a clean knob, and active bass / treble EQ knobs (that can be bypassed)".
[product page] From a post by Billy on Kerry's Blog about Oceania, 2011/06/03:
Because the sound of this record from a guitar standpoint with be a hazy and clear wall of loud guitars, our next few days will be focused on getting a unique bass sound that will ring through the big wall so all of Nicole's wonderful parts can be heard. I'm really excited as this record will afford some really inventive, progressive, and flat-out cool guitar stuff, hence the need for a new fuzz thanks to Devi Ever and the dusting off from the closet of some of ye' olde pedals.
It would seem, however, that as of August 2011, Billy and Devi have had a bit of a falling out, and it is unlikely this pedal will see any future use from the band.