Machina was haphazardly recorded at Pumpkinland over a span of ten months.
Many alternate versions exist of the songs, as the band consistently toyed
with their arrangement. The songs on the final album often consisted of
combinations of a few different arrangements of each song. In other words,
the Machina tracks continually evolved throughout the year, and the tape
was rolling during their transformation. Radio was an early incarnation of
I of the Mourning, just as Slow Song was of Crying Tree of Mercury and
Disco King was of The Everlasting Gaze. The second movement of Glass and
the Ghost Children is actually a bit of the six-minute Le Deux Machina
(which multiple versions exist of). Go is apparently a James song that was
left off the album.
A tape called "the Friends and Enemies of Modern Music" has surfaced, most
likely compiled early on during the sessions. The tape included early
mixes and recordings of several Machina tracks (most with live-band
arrangements) as well as soundboard recordings of Money (That's What I
Want) and XYU from the 10/31/98 show. The tape also included an alternate
Heavy Metal Machine with both different lyrics and a different main riff,
and an arrangement of Blue Skies Bring Tears much like The Arising!