1992-02-?? - [Japanese TV]; Tokyo, JP
studio interview/banter
(note: italicized words are translations. Non-italicized words within a translated section are spoken "in English").
- Host 1:
- え〜、ご紹介します。
Um, let's introduce them.
- Host 2:
- はい。
- Host 1:
- スマッシングパンプキンズの皆さんですけれども、ね。
This is everyone from the Smashing Pumpkins.
- Host 2:
- はい。
- titles:
- They were number one on the college charts and they won Best New Group and Debut Album of the Year.
- Host 1:
- 皆さんはカレージチャートでもナンバー1、それからカレージチャートの最優秀新人賞に当たるDebut Album of the Yearも(??)したと…
They were number one on the college chart, and won the college chart's Debut Album of the Year for best new group.
- titles:
- They have been playing shows in the Chicago area since 1980. Their live shows are incredibly powerful.
- Host 1:
- いう事ですよね。
isn't that right?
- Host 2:
- はい。そしてなんか、メンバーの中に日本人の方がいらっしゃると、あのう、お聞きしたんですけれども…
Yes. And also, I heard that, um, there was a Japanese person in the band...
- titles:
- I understand that there is a Japanese member in the band?
- interpreter:
- She heard.. there's a Japanese guy.
[Iha starts laughing]
- Host 2:
- え?あれ?後ろの方ですか?
Huh? What? The one in the back?
[Iha waves]
- Host 2:
- 今晩は!
Good evening!
- Host 1:
- 日本語、しゃべれます?
Can you speak Japanese?
- titles:
- Do you speak Japanese?
- interpreter:
- Do you speak Japanese?
[Iha shakes his head]
- Host 1:
- 日本語は駄目ですか?
Japanese is no good?
- Host 2:
- あっ、そうなんですか?
Ah, is that so?
- interpreter:
- (to Host 2) 三世なんだよ。
He's third generation.
- Host 2:
- あっ、そうですか?
Ah, is that so?
- Corgan:
- He's, um, 2nd, 2nd generation.
- Host 2:
- あ、それは I'm sorry.
Ah, that is "I'm sorry."
[everyone laughs]
- Host 2:
- ごめんなさい、ね。
- titles:
- Why do call yourselves The Smashing Pumpkins?
- Host 1:
- スマ、スマッシングパンプキンズっていうのは、どうしてこういう名前を付けたんですか?
The Smashing Pumpkins- why did you pick a name like that?
- interpreter:
- So, how did you get your name of The Smashing Pumpkins?
- Host 3:
- It's a funny name.
- Chamberlin:
- It is?!
- Wretzky:
- Interesting story.
- interpreter:
- Any reason for that, or...?
- Corgan:
- Um, god. God's joke.
- interpreter:
- 神の、神の、冗談だ。
God's- God's.. joke.
- Wretzky:
- God's bad joke on us.
- Chamberlin:
- We thought it was funny, too.
- interpreter:
- 神がくれた…神がくれたジョークだという。
God- a joke from God.
- Host 2:
- 天の、て、天の声っていう事ですか?
Heaven- like a voice from heaven, then?
- titles:
- Like a voice from the heavens?
- Host 1:
- とっても妙な雰囲気を持っています!
You have a very strange sense of humor!
[Hosts laugh]
- titles:
- You have a very strange sense of humor...
- interpreter:
- It's a.. weird.. sense of humor...
- Host 2:
- なんだか、すごい、なんか、 独特な雰囲気が…
It's like, very, like, a peculiar sense of humor.
- Host 1:
- 独特な雰囲気がありますね、皆さん。
A peculiar sense of humor, right, everyone?
- Corgan:
- That's the American culture.
- Host 1:
- え、そのホーム(?)ですね、どういう感じが全員言ってみたいと思いますが、じゃ、スタンバイでもお願いしたいんですが…
So, (?), I think everyone would like to talk about this feeling, but I'd like to ask that we stand by...
- Host 2:
- そうですね!
- Host 3:
- どうぞ、スタンバイして下さい。
Kindly stand by, please.
- Host 2:
- 宜しくお願い致します!
(generic phrase w/ multiple meanings, in this case probably most closely "Good luck!")
- Host 1:
- (?)スタンバイ。
(?) stand-by.
- Host 2:
- スタンバイプリーズ。
Stand by please
- interpreter:
- OK, we gotta just, leave you here...
- Corgan:
- (laughing) Oh...
- titles:
- Stand-by please.
- Host 1:
- 大丈夫ですか、皆さん?
Is everyone OK?
- Host 2:
- あっ、あっ、そしてべ(cut)
Ah, oh, and- (cuts)
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